Continúan las tareas de preparación de fósiles en el MAU

Quienes visitan en estas vacaciones de verano el Museo Municipal Argentino Urquiza, Rincón de los Sauces, Neuquén, tienen la posibilidad de observar muy de cerca como se estan preparando los materiales recuperados en la última campaña paleontológica. Se trata de un ejemplar de dinosaurio Titanosaurio, conocido comunmente como "cuello largo", el cual se encontraba completo y articulado desde el cráneo hasta la cadera. Tanto la cola como las extremidades no fueron halladas en el sitio. Se espera que a finales de este año el ejemplar este completamente limpio para dar inicio a su estudio.

Filippi, L. S, Martinelli, A & Garrido, A. C.

In this contribution, a fossil tooth assemblage from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Santonian, Upper Cretaceous) in a different paleoenvironmental context from that recorded at the Neuquén city and Paso Córdova localities (Patagonia, Argentina), is here presented. It includes isolated teeth of Dipnoi, represented by the species Ceratodus kaopen and Atlantoceratodus patagonicus; mesoeucrocodylian isolated teeth referred to Peirosauridae; and isolated teeth of Abelisauridae theropods and Titanosauria sauropods. The Mesoeucrocodylia, Abelisauridae and Titanosauria taxa are consistent with the fossil record of the region, represented by the Coloradoan tetrapod assemblage of Santonian to early Campanian age. However, the lungfish A. patagonicus represents the first occurrence for the Bajo de la Carpa Formation, being this record the oldest one for this taxón.

Filippi, L.S, Martinelli, A.G. y Garrido, A.C. 2015. Una nueva asociación de dientes vertebrados para la Formación Bajo de la Carpa (Santoniense, Cretácico Superior) en Rincón de los Sauces, Neuquén, Argentina. Revista Española de Paleontología 30 (2): 223-238.



Lucas E. Fiorelli, Juan M. Leardi, E. Martín Hechenleitner, Diego Pol, Giorgio Basilici & Gerald Grellet-Tinner.

The Cretaceous witnessed the greatest diversity of Gondwanan notosuchian crocodyliforms, which displayed high levels of diversity and a notable array of specialized forms that developed in different ecological niches. Among this diversity, the advanced notosuchians are a clade of mid body sized forms which displays a remarkable abundance but is restricted to two lithological units from the Late Cretaceous of South America, the Adamantina Formation in southeastern Brazil and the Bajo de la Carpa Formation in Patagonia (Argentina). The only exceptions known so far were the Late Cretaceous Labidiosuchus from the Marilia Formation in Brazil and Yacarerani from the Cajones Formation in Bolivia. Herein we report a new Cretaceous crocodyliform, Llanosuchus tamaensis gen. nov. et sp. nov., found in the Los Llanos Formation (Campanian?) in northwestern Argentina (La Rioja Province). The small specimen includes well preserved fragments of the cranium and mandible with an estimated skull size of about 9 cm lengths. This crocodyliform shares several derived characters with Notosuchus terrestris from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Patagonia) and it was found in a weakly developed sandy paleosol profile formed in wet local conditions but in a region characterized by semi-arid climate and active eolian sedimentation. The presence of a new advanced notosuchian in the Cretaceous of western Gondwana, and its intermediate geographical region between the known South American species (Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia), has interesting implications, and adds another record of an advanced notosuchian in deposits with inferred warm climates and semi-arid paleoenvironments. Finally, Llanosuchus tamaensis supports a Late Cretaceous age for Los Llanos Formation with important geological implications for La Rioja Province.

L. E. Fiorelli, J. M. Leardi, E. M. Hechenleitner, D. Pol, G. Basilici & G. Grellet-Tinner 2016. A new Late Cretaceous crocodyliform from the western margin of Gondwana (La Rioja Province, Argentina). Cretaceous Research 60: 194-209.
